Tuesday, February 26, 2013

No News is Good News

So I passed most of my medical testing with flying colors!  In some areas, I'm quite healthy.  Unfortunately, it's the unhealthy areas that give me a whole lot of problems.  But I am pleased to learn I don't have any additional serious diseases or medical problems.  No brain tumors, no lupus, no MS, no diabetes and no RA!

What I do have is what I've had for almost four years now, RSD/CRPS and just for fun, the doctors decided to throw in Fibromyalgia.  Since there are a lot of similarities, it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.  So another new medication and another new doctor, but hopefully one step closer to feeling better.  At least I've ruled out what it's not, so I can focus on what it is and what can be done about it.  And it's not fatal, just really painful and annoying!

I have to admit I feel like karma is biting me in the butt right about now, since I used to think Fibromyalgia was a made up, hypochondriac thing.  I used to think that if a person changed their diet (quit eating processed food) and exercised, they would feel better.  Well, I'm already known as the "organicy" eater so it's not that, and even though I'm not doing a whole lot of exercise lately, I have been trying to do some on and off only to feel worse for days after.  I did start changing my perspective of Fibromyalgia when I first got RSD/CRPS.  And now I know just how really real it is!

The only other thing the doctor mentioned yesterday was some degenerative disc disease going on in my neck, which would explain the shoulder/neck pain I've been experiencing.  So it's back to the chiropractor for that and proabably no more roller coasters!

So I guess it's research time, gotta learn all I can about Fibro and how to manage it.  Maybe some of it will help the RSD/CRPS, too.  It's too easy to sit around feeling sorry for yourself when you are in a lot of pain.  But I have to somehow, somewhere find the energy to fight back...I just hope there's still some fight left in me!

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