I've been in a battle with weight as far back as I can remember. In middle school, I wore a jacket all the time to hide my waistline and we're talking in Georgia...year round! Do you know hot it gets down here? And looking back at old photos, the only thing that looks worse than my waistline is me wearing a jacket with the sleeves pushed up in August!
About a year or so ago, I set a goal for myself to have conquered my battle with weight before I turn 40, no more yo-yo dieting. But now with that date increasingly closing in and the scale barely moving each week, the odds are not in my favor to reach my goal weight by my 40th birthday. Granted, I've had some major road bumps but there were times I had choices and I made the wrong ones.
The summer before I injured my foot, I was going to do the "Couch to 5k" training workout. I did the first workout once...just once. I was pretty good about walking, I just never enjoyed extreme cardio or running. And then there's food. I love to eat! And in this super size world we live in, portion control is easier said than done. If you don't get a big fat serving at a restaurant, you feel like you've been ripped off, like you're not getting your money's worth.
Now I can't do any high impact exercise because of my foot, even walking is difficult and I'm easily fatigued. But I've been doing Weight Watchers online and having decent success with it considering I'm not exercising. We've been making their recipes and they are actually very good! They are easy to make, simple and fresh ingredients and taste great. Even Tony likes them, he just eats bigger servings. And I've gotten a better handle on portion size by measuring everything. People think, "oh I'll just have one of these, a couple of those.." but it all adds up!
So maybe I will have conquered my battle with weight by May 10th! Maybe I won't be at my goal weight yet but I'll be on my way and never going back. I've accepted that Weight Watchers is probably something I am going to need for the rest of my life and if it helps me eat right, keeps my weight under control and keeps me healthier, then it's a great weapon to have in my arsenal. And I can finally throw that yo-yo away!
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