Thursday, March 14, 2013


Ok so finding out I have fibromyalgia really knocked me for a loop and I haven't posted for awhile.  I guess I've been in shock or mourning or denial, not sure which and maybe a combination of all.  It's been hard enough dealing with RSD/CRPS, a weird neurological disorder but now I have another one?  People probably just think I'm crazy.  But the pain is very real and it sucks big time.

So hopefully in a couple more days I'll have moved past the paralyzing phase and can get back to blogging and other things.  And I've got to start working on different treatment options other than medications.  I have a couple of groupons (discount coupons) for yoga and pilates as well as a couple of free trial tai chi classes.  We'll see what helps and what makes it worse.  Too bad insurance doesn't cover things like that.  I'm hoping warmer weather will help and there's quite a few 70 degree days in the 10 day forecast!

Much like a computer that gets stuck or locked up and won't move forward, you have to unplug it or turn it off and reboot it to get it going again.  I've become stuck, locked up and unable to move forward so it's time for me to reboot myself.

Thanks for all the prayers, thoughts, well wishes, advice and support during this difficult time.

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