Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Alternative vs Conventional Treatment

Ok, I'll be honest...I'm still not comfortable with my fibromyalgia diagnosis.  I don't doubt the diagnosis itself, actually the more I read and find out about it, the more it makes sense and fits what I've been experiencing.  But I'm just not "cool" with it.  I mean, isn't one weird neurological disorder enough?  Apparently not.

So I'm cruising along on my conventional, western medical treatment.  Most of my medication for RSD/CRPS translates over to fibro anyway.  But now it's time to start exploring all the fun (and insurance uncovered) alternative treatments.  Well, I guess the chiropractor is somewhat covered by insurance.  Although he was better covered last year.  Apparently as New Year's revelers celebrated the countdown to midnight and the change from 2012 to 2013, my insurance company was salivating and wringing their greedy little fists as my chiropractic visits when from covered with a $60 co-pay to not covered until my deductible is met and then the $60 co-pay.  The joke is on them, I have so may medical problems, I've probably met my deductible by now!

So tomorrow I get my back cracked and while it's probably not even related to fibro, it should help with the neck and shoulder pain.  I have 3 protruding discs and mild scoliosis which require occasional adjustments, providing sounds that resemble handfuls of snap and pop fireworks, stepping on a bunch of twigs or twisting bubble wrap.

Then Friday I'm scheduled for a massage.  Something I used to really enjoy but lately has become painful.  That's part of the fibro, I'm told.  But I still think it has it's benefits and I'm doing it on a Friday so I don't have to work the next day if it kicks my butt.  I do, however, have to drag myself out of bed Saturday morning for yoga class.  I finally got the guts to sign up.  Bought a Groupon deal for 5 discounted classes for "gentle yoga" and just hoping it lives up to it's name!  I've tried a few yoga videos but never quite gotten the hang of it.  The angles put an awkward strain on my bad ankle.  But now there's more at stake than just my ankle.

Should be an interesting next few days.  Probably going to be overdoing it.  But I can't sit here feeling sorry for myself forever.  Hopefully these things will help.  Next I will add in either pilates classes or tai chi.  I bought a Groupon deal for 5 discounted pilates classes and the studio also offers pilates and yoga classes on Stand Up Paddle boards (yeah right!).  Then there are 2 facilities locally that offer tai chi classes and the first class is free, so I need to work up the courage to try those as well.  Tai chi is great for breathing and relaxation.  I'll never forget watching folks doing it in San Fransisco on City Hall's lawn and in Golden Gate park.  I'd love to be able to do it on the beach someday.

Then there are the alternative treatments everyone and their sister has to offer.  From natural supplements, juice drinks and hocus pocus .  I know everyone means well and if I had unlimited resources, time and energy maybe I could try them all but right now I need time and space to figure out what's best for me.  If I did have the funding, I would be back on my Right 4 Your Type supplements and vitamins because I've never felt better than when I was taking them, I believe in them and the science behind them and they are great products.  Unfortunately funding is low and I can't afford them right now, but as soon as I can, I will be back on them.  I also follow the blood type diet when I can, as much as I can.  Now that I've been diagnosed with fibro, I really need to get back to following it more strictly.  But I also need to reduce stress so I'm taking baby steps right now and just doing the best I can.

Other alternative treatments include:
  • acupuncture - won't be trying due to nerve related pain, don't think needles are a good idea
  • meditation - I have a hard time sitting still and quieting my mind
  • relaxation training - see above, to be able to do this I will need extensive training since this is not an easy thing for me
  • counseling - appointment scheduled with former neurologist turned psychiatrist April 22nd
  • supplements - see above regarding Right 4 Your Type
  • hypnosis - I'm a skeptic that this is even a thing
  • stretching - sounds like pilates and yoga will cover that
  • diet modification - I've been working on this one for years anyway, cut way back on processed foods, no nitrates or nitrites, rarely eat pork or beef, rarely dine out, eat mostly organic, incorporate more fruits and veggies into diet, very little sugar or gluten
  • biofeedback - still not sure what it is
In the meantime, I continue to take one day at a time and take my medications.  I go back to my doctors April 8th - internal medicine, neurologist and pain management.  Try to find joy in the little things, like my sweet dogs Dodie, Heidi and Margarita.  Catch a glimpse of the Gulf of Mexico every now and then.  Make someone smile even while I'm silently suffering in pain.  Keep up with friends and family on Facebook, sharing in their happiness and sorrows.  Offering a prayer or comforting word.  And hope everyday I wake up that maybe, just maybe I'll feel good, not looking for great, just good!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Life's a Beach

I'm not sure where the saying came from, "Life's a Beach" but as I sat there Sunday afternoon, I truly is metaphorically a beach.

When everything is great and sunny, there are plenty of people around, when the storms roll in and it's cold or rainy, no one can be found.  Some days the water is calm and it's smooth sailing, other days the waves are crashing and you get tossed around, the double red flags are out and the rip current could take your life.

Some people build beautiful sculptures in the sand and some of us just end up with sand in our crack!  For some it is a place to rest while others are busying themselves with activities - flying kites, throwing a football, playing volleyball or going for a jog.

Generations are represented from the new baby to grandma. Families gather in matching khakis for their annual photo. Folks line up in the evening to get the perfect sunset picture.  The beach is probably one of the most photographed backgrounds.

The wind and the weather change the shape of the beach over the years, the big storms more drastically, just as we are changed by our experiences - both good and bad.  Once in awhile the beach is covered with seaweed, something they used to haul away because it detracts from the beauty of the beach but plays an important part in preserving it from erosion, much like some of the ugliness that happens in our lives, building us up for something we can't perceive in the future.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Didn't Your Mama Tell You?

Didn't your Mama tell you, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?  Well, that's why I haven't posted in awhile.  As much as I'm sure folks get tired of hearing (reading about) me complaining about feeling bad, I get tired of talking (typing) about it!

But when that's the running headline in your life, it's hard to talk about anything else.  Especially when your health prevents you from getting out and experiencing fun and interesting things to post about.  Not a whole lot happens inside.  I did catch a glimpse of the St. Patrick's Day dog parade last weekend as it passed by with both dogs and owners adorned in festive attire.

So I'm still trying to adjust to my new additional diagnose of fibromyalgia.  I bought a book about it.  I joined a few online groups.  Several sources recommend "gentle" exercise.  Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure what that is apparently because everything I've tried from leisurely walking, stretching and bicycling has knocked me on my butt for days.  Maybe I need to read more of that book I bought.

Hopefully the warmer weather will help me be able to get out a little more.  There's so many cool things going on in the area.  I'm going to the Seaside Farmer's Market on Saturday and I can't back out because I placed an order from a local vendor.  I went there a few weeks ago with a couple of friends and came across Hale & Hearty, Wholesome Prepared Foods To Go.  Seaside is an awesome little town.  A "master-planned" community and the location for filming of the Jim Carrey movie The Truman Show.  Unfortunately, the weather forecast isn't looking favorable with a good chance of thunderstorms but at least I won't have to worry about cooking dinner!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Breaks down in Panama

Ah, spring break.  I'm wearing jeans, a sleeveless sweater and a short sleeve  shirt and it's a little chilly on the golf cart with a brisk wind and only 66 degrees.  That does not, however, damper the spirits of the spring breakers, bless their hearts, determined to walk around in bikinis (the girls) and swim trunks (the guys) all day and well into the evening.

Although Destin is more of a family destination, there are still lots of partiers on hand and earlier in the week 32 underage drinkers were arrested just down the street from here.  It seems a lot more of the paryting has migrated over from Panama City, a location famous for it's rowdy spring break.  A short drive down Scenic 98 and the view is no longer of just the gulf of Mexico but of hundreds of kids replacing what just a few short weeks ago was only snowbirds.

House Party...busted!
It's an interesting time of year as the youngsters converge on the remaining snowbirds.  Signs announcing the early bird specials are replaced with band schedules.  Here at the campground, potlucks are replaced with hot dog cookouts and needlepoint for children's crafts.  Then there's those of us who don't really fit in any of those categories.  I'm not a college student or middle school child on school break, not a retired snowbird and not a family on vacation.  I guess we're the new hybrid local.

After a short winter, the traffic jams are back but it's good to see folks out enjoying themselves and spending their vacation dollars in this beautiful area.  Hopefully there will be a short lull just before summer, then we'll really get busy!  This is just the dress rehearsal!

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Ok so finding out I have fibromyalgia really knocked me for a loop and I haven't posted for awhile.  I guess I've been in shock or mourning or denial, not sure which and maybe a combination of all.  It's been hard enough dealing with RSD/CRPS, a weird neurological disorder but now I have another one?  People probably just think I'm crazy.  But the pain is very real and it sucks big time.

So hopefully in a couple more days I'll have moved past the paralyzing phase and can get back to blogging and other things.  And I've got to start working on different treatment options other than medications.  I have a couple of groupons (discount coupons) for yoga and pilates as well as a couple of free trial tai chi classes.  We'll see what helps and what makes it worse.  Too bad insurance doesn't cover things like that.  I'm hoping warmer weather will help and there's quite a few 70 degree days in the 10 day forecast!

Much like a computer that gets stuck or locked up and won't move forward, you have to unplug it or turn it off and reboot it to get it going again.  I've become stuck, locked up and unable to move forward so it's time for me to reboot myself.

Thanks for all the prayers, thoughts, well wishes, advice and support during this difficult time.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Feel Great!

I really do...most days between 10:30-10:45am for about 15 to 20 minutes!

Hey, that's progress!  I'm thankful for any amount of time I can get that I feel at least a little bit normal.  I'm guessing it has something to do with my current combination of medications.  And the timing a result of my 9am dosage.

The worst part of my day is when I first get up, especially on work days or any day I have to be up before 9am.  Getting up at 6:30-7am is terrible, showering is exhausting and trying to blow dry my hair without stopping and laying down every few seconds is annoying.  I would probably have fallen and broken something (hip, neck) in the shower if my husband Tony hadn't been kind and clever enough to build a custom shower seat!  I think one of the reasons I have such a hard time getting up in the mornings is due to all the medications I take at night to sleep.  Vicious cycle but I'm a life long insomniac and the lesser of the two evils is being groggy in the morning, trust me!

Luckily my commute to work consists of a short walk, I certainly don't think I'd be up to fighting traffic in my early morning, pre-medicated state.  I wait till 9am to take my medication so that the rest of my day goes smoothly and my afternoon dose takes me into the evening.  And it starts all over again...